Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Below is a list of my upcoming speaking engagements for the Fall 2022 semester. Unless otherwise noted, all events are free and open to the public – and in person. Unless otherwise noted, the event times are those in the … Read more

Law Firm Uses Lawmatics Automations – Lawyerist

Like many small law firm owners, Deena Buchanan found her team spending lots of their time sifting through leads for their business—valuable time that could have focused on paying clients.  The Wrong Clients Were a Bottleneck At the time, Buchanan … Read more

Do Cars Get Better Gas Mileage in the Summer?

If you’ve noticed that your full tank lasts longer in the summer than it does in the winter, you’ve already realized that cars get better gas mileage in the summer. Learn why this is and how to improve your gas … Read more